BASCOM-8051© is the Windows BASIC COMPILER for the 8051 family.
It is designed to run on W95/NT and has all the features of BASCOM LT.
In addition it has full support for arrays and the single floating point type.
Key Benefits
- Structured BASIC with labels.
- Structured programming with IF-THEN-ELSE-END IF, DO-LOOP, WHILE-WEND, SELECT- CASE.
- Fast machine code instead of interpreted code.
- Variables and labels can be as long as 32 characters.
- Bit, Byte, Integer, Word, Long, Single and String variables.
- Compiled programs work with any 8051 uP such as AT89C1051, AT89C2051, 8031, 8032, 8051, 8052, 80552, 80535 and 80537 m Processors.
- Statements are highly compatible with Microsoft’s VB/QB.
- Special commands for LCD-displays , I2C chips and 1WIRE chips.
- Integrated terminal emulator with download option..
- Integrated simulator for testing.
- Integrated flash programmer and support for SPI, PG2051, PG302, SE512, SE514, TAFE. (hardware can be purchased separately)
- Editor with statement highlighting.
- Context sensitive help.
- For compatibility with BASCOM LT, there is also a 32-bit version of the BASCOM LT compiler.